I'm always looking at numbers. Numbers are good indicators of what's going on here at the Center and with society. For example, the number of clients we've seen come through our mentoring/education department (for parenting classes, childbirth classes, fatherhood classes, etc.) has doubled when compared to this same time last year - we've already seen over 800 clients this year! All I can really say about that is Praise the Lord! Isn't it exciting to know that moms and dads want to improve life for the child they have chosen to bring into this world?
I recently discovered another number that causes me great concern though. During 2010, we saw 32 clients age 16 and younger. It seems we've had a rash of younger clients lately so I thought I would see what our current numbers looked like. What I discovered broke my heart! In the first six (6) months of this year, we have already seen 40 girls in that same age range - age 16 and younger. That means we could more than double the number of clients in that age group by the end of this year! Doesn't that make you sick?
So, what do we do? Well, as we do about everything around here, we pray! We pray for God to change the hearts of these precious young folks. We pray for God to give us the wisdom to know how to address this issue. For example, do we offer additional programming to address purity and self-worth? Can we partner with our faithful churches to offer Bible Studies that address these issues? We pray for God to continue to send these young women (and men) to us so we have an opportunity to minister to them. Will you please pray with us as we seek His direction on this issue?
In the meantime, we will continue to minister to thse and to all the women and men who walk through our doors - particularly those who are considering abortion as an option for their unplanned pregnancy. Please continue to pray with us - we cannot survive without it!
By the way, we often have immediate prayer needs that we like to share. One of the most efficient ways for us to do that is by posting on Facebook or Twitter. Will you please join us? Just click here to find us on Facebook and here for Twitter. You can also email Missy if you would like to receive our newsletter . Please find us, follow us, and become prayer warriors with us.
On a positive note, let me close by introducing you to some more of our newest babies!
born February 28, 2011
born May 28, 2011
born June 1, 2011
born March 13, 2011
born February 14, 2011
By His Grace,
Lisa Hogan
Executive Director